2024 Pine River Watershed Alliance Membership Survey

1.What are the top issues or concerns that you have about the Pine River Watershed?
2.What do you see as the greatest opportunities to protect and improve water quality in the Pine River Watershed?
3.How could the Pine River Watershed Alliance (www.prwa.us) better support your organization?  Is there one project that could make a difference?
4.What watershed related topics that you would like to learn more about?
5.What could the Pine River Watershed Alliance do to encourage more membership, volunteers, or participation at meetings?
6.I am a
7.My property is located in (insert city/township) and on a body of water (insert lake/river or none) in this (insert zip code)
8.How do you receive communication from organizations - newspaper, e-mail, newsletter, website, meetings
9.What other comments that you would like to share with us?
10.Provide your contact information if you would like PRWA to follow up with you