District 60 Member Survey – Prepared Speeches

1.How long have you been a Toastmaster? 
2.Ideally, how frequently would you like to give speeches? Please select the option that best describes you.
3.What is stopping you from giving your next speech? Please select upto THREE reasons from this list and enter them into the space provided below in your order of ranking, i.e. your top reason as '1', your second reason as '2' and your third reason as '3':

1.  Can’t think of a topic
2.  Don’t find speech evaluations helpful
3.  Have other priorities
4.  Don’t see the relevance of Pathways
5.  Don’t like giving speeches online
6.  Not interested in giving speeches
7.  Cannot find the time to prepare a speech
8.  Do not have a mentor to practice with
9.  I find speech writing difficult
10. Do not have anyone motivating me
11.  Other: (Please describe reason)…………………………………
4.How do you come up with a speech topic? Please describe briefly.
5.How long does it take you to come up with a speech topic? Please select the option that best describes you.
6.How long does it take you to write a speech? Please select the option that best describes you.
7.How frequently does your VP Education discuss your educational goals with you? Please select the option that best describes you.
8.How frequently do you meet with your mentor? Please select the option that best describes you.