1. CIS Student Opinion Survey

Central Intermediate School is surveying the students to get their view on sports/activities they might be interested in and their perception of changes we have made in the past three years. Please answer honestly and respectfully as this information will help the administration to develop programs for current and future students.

Question Title

* 1. I am a student in the following grade:

Question Title

* 2. Gender:

Question Title

* 3. The following are sports and activities that are sponsored by the Illinois Elementary School Association (IESA) at the middle school level. The two sports marked with an asterisk (*) are sports that the IESA are considering adding in the future. Please mark the box that best describes your interest in each sport/activity listed below.

  Highest Interest Interested Neutral/No Opinion Low Interest No Interest
Basketball (Boys)
Basketball (Girls)
Cross Country (Boys)
Cross Country (Girls)
Scholastic Bowl
Soccer (Boys)*
Soccer (Girls)*
Track and Field (Boys)
Track and Field (Girls)
Volleyball (Girls)
Volleyball (Boys)*

Question Title

* 4. For each item listed below, select the choice that you feel best fits your view of your time here at Central.

  Strongly Agree Agree Neutral/No Opinion Disagree Strongly Disagree
Central provides a safe environment
Central challenges me academically
Central's staff is friendly and professional
Central teachers focused on my learning and worked with me to make sure I learned the material
Central teachers teach in a way that is engaging and enjoyable for me
Central teachers held high standards and demanded quality work
Central teachers made me a better student by making me finish assignments
Central teachers helped me to better learn the curriculum by giving me the opportunity to review material I didn't understand and retest
Central has high expecations for behavior
Central provided me a strong foundation in using technology
Central maintained a drug free environment
Central stresses academic achievement
Central recognized and rewarded student academic achievement
Knowing CIS has received the Award for Academic Excellence makes me proud and motivates me to do my best
My overall experience at Central was positive

Question Title

* 5. What additional academic or social opportunities would you like to see offered at Central Intermediate School to enhance our students' experience.