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Please read the following scene. Use the information provided to answer the questions that follow.

You are offering a bouldering orientation to a group who have chosen this activity as part of their night out. The group of 5 people arrive in a very cheerful mood and are ready to continue their spirited activities. You greet the group and explain they will need to complete participant agreements and go through a facility and bouldering orientation. The participants in the group skim the information and sign and initial at the locations on the document. You tell them to wait at the front desk while you get their rental shoes so that you can give them a full orientation. You are distracted with getting other people checked in and notice that one of the folks from the group has already started trying bouldering while the others cheer them on. A second person from the group is moving across the mats toward the person climbing, with their phone out and shoot video of the action. The gym is pretty busy, and you are a little short-handed.

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* 3. What is your primary goal and your primary responsibility in introducing these climbers to bouldering? Answers: choose 5 of the 8 possible answers

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* 4. As a person working in the climbing facilities what are 3 potential risks you notice with this group? Select 3 from the options below.

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* 5. What steps would you take to mitigate risks when working with a younger age group? Select the best 3 choices.

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* 6. To confirm a client is ready to boulder without supervision, what would you want to see or hear? Select the best 3 answers:

Using the Bouldering Orientation as a guide, consider how you would communicate the following skill, knowledge or concept. Select the most appropriate approach in the next 3 questions.