Inclusion and Accessibility Survey

Village of Keremeos - T. 250-499-2711 - E.

The Survey is available to be completed online at If completing a printed version please use additional paper if more space required for comments.
1.Which electoral area, municipality or syilx Okanagan community do you reside or own property?
2.What age group are you?
3.Gender: How do you identify?
4.Do you identify as a person with a disability?
5.Considering the Parks & Trails, Roads & Infrastructure in the Village of Keremeos, are there any barriers you identify that could be removed, and do you have any suggestions for improvement in these areas?
6.When you think about the Events, Recreation and Tourism within the Village of Keremeos, are there any barriers you identify that could be removed, and do you have suggestions for improvement in these areas?
7.Please provide any additional feedback you may have as it relates to the Village of Keremeos becoming more inclusive and accessible for all.