Seeking Feedback from LEAP and ACRA Members about Geospatial Data for Cultural Resources

Leaders in Energy and Preservation (LEAP) is currently developing a screening tool that would allow energy companies to make more informed early-stage planning decisions that take into account historic and cultural resources. This tool will include archaeological sites data and a predictive model showing high/medium/low risk of cultural resources in the chosen area. It will also be available to CRM firms and companies in related industries. In order to develop a market strategy and assist in the project design, we would like to get your input on the questions below:

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* 1. How would describe your organization?

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* 2. How would you describe your position within the organization?

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* 3. Where do you usually get your cultural resources data?

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* 4. How much does your company spend annually acquiring cultural resources data? (Include per diem, hotel, archive fees, etc)

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* 5. How much does your company spend annually acquiring natural resources data, such as endangered species information or environmental data? (Include per diem, hotel, archive fees, etc)

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* 6. If you currently pay for cultural resources geospatial services in any state, how is the cost structured? You can select more than one answer if several apply.

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* 7. How much more would your company be willing to spend annually for cultural resources geospatial data with an integrated screening tool to assess likelihood of significant sites?

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* 8. How has the amount of money (or proportion of project budgets) spent on GIS preparation, services, and research changed at your company over the last five years? What do you predict it will do in the next five years?

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* 9. Are you interested in receiving more information about LEAP? If so, please provide your email address.

Thanks very much for your feedback!