Your opinion matters!

We are glad you joined us for the YIP Rally Day at the Capitol. We value your opinion and would like to learn what you thought of the day.

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* 1. The YIP Rally Day provided me an opportunity to use my voice to advocate for young people.

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* 2. I feel like the legislators that I spoke with cared about me and listened to what I said.

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* 3. The Rally in the Rotunda made me feel like young people are valued in Minnesota.

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* 4. If given the chance, I would want to attend the YIP Rally Day at the Capitol again next year.

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* 5. What can we do to improve the YIP Rally Day experience for young people?

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* 6. We'd appreciate a short quote to help promote future YIP Rally Days. Please consider providing a sentence or two about the Rally. You do not need to include your name, your comments may be anonymous if you prefer. Thank you!