We value your opinion.

Thank you for attending the YIP Rally Day, we value your commitment to our young people and thank you for your legislative advocacy.

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* 1. The YIP Rally Day provided me an opportunity to share my program's successes and community needs with my legislators.

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* 2. The materials YIPA provided positioned me to positively impact legislators about the value of more financial resources for youth-serving organizations.

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* 3. The press release template and submission directions will make it easy for me to earn media coverage for my program.

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* 4. The YIP Rally Day atmosphere engaged and empowered me and the young people that attended with me.

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* 5. If given the chance, I would participate in the YIP Rally Day again in the future.

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* 6. What would make the YIP Rally Day experience more valuable for you?

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* 7. We'd appreciate a short quote to help promote future YIP Rally Days. Please consider providing a sentence or two about the Rally. You do not need to include your name, your comments may be anonymous if you prefer. Thank you!