Thank you for taking the time to fill out this survey. The purpose of the survey is to gather information from our customer base about current and future use of the BMC Remedy AR System web-based client. This information will influence decisions around the future capabilities and usage of the web-based client.

Please be sure to read each question carefully to ensure that your answer given matches your intended response.

Note: These questions should not be construed as a statement of direction or strategy. Do not read more into this survey than it being just an information gathering tool.

Question Title

* 1. Please provide us with some general information about your location and contact information. Note that this information will not be used for marketing purposes - even from BMC. This information will only be used to follow up with certain customers to clarify answers given to this survey.

Question Title

* 2. First, we'd like to gather some information about your company's use of AR System. If you are a consultant or partner, please answer based on the customer that you are currently representing.
Note: It is assumed that throughout this survey that application developers would continue to use a "thick client" tool. Questions refer to users or administrators of the application itself.

How many users access an application (BMC, partner, or custom developed) powered by AR System through any means - either web or Windows User Tool?

Question Title

* 3. How many of those users access an application powered by AR System using _only_ the web client?