Guardian Angels Parish, Copley

This instrument is intended to provide a framework for the review of the  characteristics a future pastor might possess to successfully minister in your parish.  Your identity is anonymous; however your responses are very important in the appointment process for a new pastor.  Thank you.

Question Title

* 1. As you approach the time when the Bishop will assign a new Pastor to your parish, what do you see as the biggest challenge facing the parish.  Please rank the following 10 as MOST important and 1 as LEAST important

Question Title

* 2. Please add any comments you may have on question 1, above.

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* 3. Ministry of Pastor.  I would like the new pastor to

  Very important Important Not important No opinion
have strong communication skills
be a good listener.
be able too respond to difficult situations
show care for the sick, do hospital visits. visit homebound
demonstrate pastoral care for those going through marriage preparation or funeral planning
be present at parish events
be open to adult faith formation, e.g., Bible Study, Adult Education
be faithful to present Church teachings
demonstrate a faithful, pastoral, and current understanding of church doctrines,, moral teachings, and church history
ensure fidelity and quality in catechetical/religious education