Organization Information

Welcome to American Philanthropic’s Fundraising Performance Survey. We are so grateful for your participation—thank you!

Our mission is to strengthen civil society—and help you achieve your mission. To that end, our goal with this survey is to collect data that will help us more clearly understand your organization's needs and provide helpful and relevant organizational and fundraising benchmarks. 

To demonstrate our gratitude, organizations that complete the survey by October 31 will receive:
  • $100 Amazon gift cards (only the first ten organizations to complete the survey);
  • entry into a random drawing for a $500 Amazon gift card;
  • chance to win a seat at an American Philanthropic and Center for Civil Society fundraising training ($3,000 value);
  • free digital copy of the report; and
  • free 30-minute consultation with an American Philanthropic consultant to discuss your particular survey results.

Survey responses are kept strictly confidential and anonymous. 

The survey has 30 questions. Your answers will automatically be saved after clicking "Next" on each page when leaving the survey and returning from the same computer.

Question Title

* 1. Please fill out the following information.

Question Title

* 2. What was your organization’s fundraising (i.e., contribution or donation) revenue in each of the following 5 years? (Please do *not* include program revenue, sales revenue, or any other non-philanthropic donation income streams.)

Question Title

* 3. Which of the following databases does your organization use to support its fundraising efforts?

12% of survey complete.