Welcome to Tower Hamlets parental survey for childcare provision and demand

Tower Hamlets Council has commenced a project to assess whether there are enough childcare places within your area. As part of this, we are carrying out a survey with local parents and carers about childcare.
Tower Hamlets Council recognises that parents' current and future childcare decisions may have been impacted by the pandemic. The Council has included specific questions pertaining to the impact of COVID-19 on your childcare in the survey. 
**If you need to stop and return to your survey at a later time you can use the same link and your answers so far will be saved. If you have any problems completing this survey please contact Jack Price-Daryshire at Jack.pricedarbyshire@premieradvisory.co.uk.

In line with the 1998 Data Protection Act and the forthcoming General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) all of the information that you feedback will be kept in the strictest confidence and used only for the purposes of this research. No personal testimony will be used and please do not give us your name or any child(ren)’s names.

Your help with this short survey is vital, and always much appreciated…