Review of our Community of Practice

Twelve months on, the custodian group of our Community of Practice are looking for feedback. Your input will inform how we proceed with the Community of Practice. Thanks for giving us five minutes of your time.

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* 1. Has the Community of Practice met your expectations?

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* 2. How well do you think the Community of Practice has responded to the intentions set out last year? (See attached power point for our original intention)

it has deviated significantly It has responded well to the original intent
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

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* 3. Can you expand a little more on your answer above?

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* 4. Has attending the community of Practice had any effect on the way you do your work?

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* 5. What topics would you suggest for future sessions?

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* 6. How frequently should we meet?

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* 7. Which formats do you find most engaging?

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* 8. How would you rate the performance of the custodians?

Not very good Excellent
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

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* 9. What could be improved?

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* 10. What works well?

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* 11. In what capacity are you engaged with community development?

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* 12. How many Community of Practice sessions have you attended?

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* 13. Is there anything else you would like to tell us?