Your opinion matters! This survey from Blue Horizon CLG aims to gather insights from those in Co. Waterford and beyond regarding the impact offshore wind farm proposals will have on our county. Your feedback will help us understand community opinion and ensure that your voices are considered in future decision-making.

Thank you for participating!

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* 1. Do you consider Waterford your home?

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* 2. Please select your age category

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* 3. Are you involved in fishing as a means to earn a living?

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* 4. Are you involved in a business that is dependant on tourism?

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* 5. Did you know that the Irish government intends to create a Designated Maritime Area Plan (DMAP) that may zone parts of the Waterford coast for offshore wind development before the end of 2023?

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* 6. Did you know there is an offshore energy auction planned before the end of 2023 to determine which wind farm project may proceed off the Waterford coast?

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* 7. Will marine biodiversity (whales, dolphins, fish, birds, other species and habitats) become threatened by the introduction of offshore wind farms?

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* 8. Some fish and shellfish are highly sensitive to changes in electrical fields caused by sub-sea cables. Offshore wind farms may use up to 150km of these cables in one project and exposure to them may affect their feeding behaviours and cause deformities. Is this a cause for concern?

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* 9. Do you think the Irish Government will protect our maritime environment from inappropriate wind farm development?

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* 10. Who should supply data/information used to inform the correct siting of offshore wind farms?

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* 11. Did you know that developers must provide a community benefit fund to compensate local communities affected by offshore wind farms?

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* 12. Did you know that these community benefit funds will be available regardless of how close a wind farm is to the shoreline?

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* 13. Is it ethical for developers to lobby community leaders to support wind farm projects in return for financial investment via the community development fund?

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* 14. Taxpayers' money will be used to pay offshore wind energy companies full price for unconsumed electricity they have generated.

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* 15. Proposed wind farms off our coast will exceed 350MW in generation capacity. Did you know that Belgium, Germany, Portugal and Denmark locate all wind farms over 350MW capacity at least 22km from shore?

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* 16. Which European country has enacted laws prohibiting the construction of offshore wind farms within 22km of the coastline?

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* 17. Did you know that wind turbines might be located between 8-10km from the Waterford shoreline?

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* 18. Did you know that turbines proposed for wind farms in Waterford may exceed 300m (984ft)? That's two and a half times the height of the Dublin Spire, equal to the height of the Eiffel Tower or over eight times the height of Hook Head Lighthouse.

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* 19. Did you know that the Government’s many references to other wind farms having being built close to shore across Europe relate to wind farms that were planned many years ago and are at a significantly lower height than what is being proposed for the Waterford coast?

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* 20. How many offshore wind farms have been proposed by developers off the Waterford coast?

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* 21. Approximately, how many turbines are in a typical 800MW offshore wind farm similar to what is proposed off Waterford?

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* 22. According to international research, how far from shore does a 300m wind turbine need to be located so it is not the dominant visual feature on a coastal seascape?

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* 23. How far from shore does a 300m high wind turbine need to be located before it becomes invisible to the naked eye?

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* 24. Failte Ireland emphasises our 'iconic coastal scenery' as an important feature for drawing holiday makers to our island. Do you think visitor numbers to the Waterford coastline and associated communities will be affected by the presence of large wind turbines close to shore?

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* 25. How important is it for you to see the most up to date technology being used in the deployment of offshore wind farms off the Waterford coastline?

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* 26. Proven fixed foundation technology exists to allow wind turbines be located 22km+ from the Waterford coast but they can be more expensive to build. Are you willing to pay more for your renewable electricity to ensure wind farms are located at least 22km from shore?

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* 27. Floating wind involves a platform and turbine secured to the seabed in water depths of 80-200+ meters. This allows access to locations where wind speeds are stronger, visual impact is less and offers significant environmental benefits due to less invasive installation and operation phases. Would you like to see this technology used in Waterford?

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* 28. Which statement applies to you?

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* 29. We must fight to protect Ireland’s marine ecosystems, coastal landscapes and those whose welfare and prosperity depend on preserving the integrity of this environment. Would you agree with this statement?

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* 30. Would you support legal action against the Irish State and wind farm developers in order to protect the Waterford coastline if it became necessary?

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* 31. If you would like to receive updates on the situation regarding offshore wind in Co. Waterford enter your details here:

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* 32. If you have any other comments to share regarding offshore wind projects in Waterford let us know here: