Workforce Housing Survey

1.Name of your Organization
2.Contact Name
3.Contact Email Address
4.Contact Phone Number
5.Do you have any transportation needs from Reno?
6.Days of the week for the needed transportation from Reno
7.Approximately how many people would need transportation from Reno?
8.Which shifts?
9.Do you have any transportation needs from Carson City?
10.Days of the week for the needed transportation from Carson City
11.Approximately how many people would need transportation from Carson City?
12.Which shifts?
13.If you requested transportation for the morning shift, what does a morning shift look like in your organization?
14.If you requested transportation for the afternoon shift, what does an afternoon shift look like in your organization?
15.If you requested transportation for the overnight shift, what does an overnight shift look like in your organization?
16.Where would be the ideal destination in North Lake Tahoe for your employees to be dropped off
17.If we could get this up and running, when would you be interested in starting?