The Northern Society for Domestic Peace (NSDP) runs a collection of counselling, family, housing and educational services in northern BC, including the Emergency Sexual Assault Services program (ESAS). ESAS provides a 24-hour emergency crisis response for people who have experienced sexual assault. The ESAS team can accompany clients to hospital, doctor appointments, RCMP etc. We can help clients explore reporting options, provide crisis counselling, and refer them to other services as needed. Additionally, ESAS collaborates with other systems in the region to explore how to make responses safer, more comfortable and more trauma-informed for victims/survivors.

In order to help improve sexual assault responses, the ESAS team wants to hear from as many victims/survivors as possible. We know that changes and improvements won't be effective if they aren't done in collaboration with the people who use those systems. We also know that sexual assault is a very private, often painful experience that many people aren't comfortable talking about. We created this anonymous survey to gather the knowledge, experiences and insights of victims in a way that protects their privacy. The results and stories shared in this survey will be used to help improve systems in northern BC and may contribute to articles, studies, stats etc. around sexual assault. Because the information shared here will be made public in the future, it is crucial that people responding to the survey do so anonymously. Nowhere in this survey do you need to identify yourself or the person who assaulted you. In fact, we ask that you don't identify anyone as it could limit the way we can use the results.

Please complete this survey if and when you feel safe doing so, in a space and at a time where you feel comfortable. The survey unfortunately must be done in one sitting (can't be saved part way through) but you can take as much time as you need. Depending on how many questions apply to you, it could take between 10 and 30 minutes to complete this survey. The basic questions are mandatory but we have left most of the questions open so you can choose how much you share or skip over questions that you aren't comfortable with or that don't apply to you. 

We want this survey to be accessible to as many survivors/victims in our region as possible. If you or someone you know would like to fill out the survey but literacy issues or limited access to the internet are a barrier, please contact the ESAS team. A member will be happy to take anyone through the survey either on the phone or in person. You won't have to give us your name.

The questions in this survey may feel triggering for some victims/survivors of sexual assault. If you are experiencing anxiety, memories or general upset around this survey or this topic please reach out to us anytime. In addition to supports and services offered by NSDP and the ESAS team, you can find a list of other supports and resources on our website:

Question Title

* 1. What is your age range currently?

Question Title

* 2. Where do you currently live?

Question Title

* 3. How old were you when the assault occurred (If you experienced multiple assaults please list your ages separated by a comma. Ex. 15, 18, 22) ?

Question Title

* 4. Where did the sexual assault occur?

Question Title

* 5. What gender do you identify as?

Question Title

* 6. What ethnicity do you identify as?

Question Title

* 7. How many times have you experienced sexual assault?

Question Title

* 8. If you were assaulted multiple times by the same person, over how long of a period did the assaults take place?

Question Title

* 9. When did you experience the sexual assault(s)?

Question Title

* 10. Did you know the perpetrator(s) (If "yes" to some perpetrators and "no" to others please use the OTHER box to explain)?

Question Title

* 11. If yes, would you like to clarify what the connection to the perpetrator was? (Please don't use identifiers such as names or workplaces. Please categorize them as: a friend, family member, date, work colleague, teacher etc.)

Question Title

* 12. Was the sexual assault(s) directly related to any of the following situations? (Note: Just because one or more of these factors was present DOES NOT make you responsible for the sexual assault in any way. Sexual assault is always the fault of the perpetrator. If you would like to provide more details, the final question in the survey will provide you with the space to do so)

Question Title

* 13. Did you share or disclose (tell someone about it, not an official report) the assault(s) to anyone?

Question Title

* 14. Did you report the assault(s) to any of the following?

Question Title

* 15. Did you access medical services as a result of the assault(s)? (Ex: hospital/ER visit, walk-in clinic, OPT clinic, Dr. appointment)

Question Title

* 16. If you accessed medical services (hospital, doctor, clinic, etc.) how satisfied were you with the response and services you received?

Very Satisfied Neutral Very Dissatisfied
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

Question Title

* 17. During your visit with medical staff were you provided with any of the following resources?

Question Title

* 18. During your visit with medical staff were you referred to other supports and services?

Question Title

* 19. During your visit with medical staff did you feel your privacy/confidentiality was protected as best as possible?

Question Title

* 20. How long did your visit(s) with medical staff take?

Question Title

* 21. Were you able to access medical support as quickly as you wanted/needed? 

Question Title

* 22. Is there anything else you would like to share about your experience with accessing medical supports for the sexual assault you experienced?

Question Title

* 23. Was the sexual assault(s) associated with an intimate partner (girlfriend, boyfriend, husband, wife etc.)

Question Title

* 24. If the sexual assault(s) was related to intimate partner violence did you access any of the following supports or services for relationship violence?

Question Title

* 25. Did/Have you experienced other forms of abuse within the relationship in which the sexual assault occurred.

Question Title

* 26. Is this relationship ongoing?

Question Title

* 27. Were the RCMP/Police involved due to the sexual assault(s) you experienced?

Question Title

* 28. When you experienced the sexual assault(s) how did the RCMP/Police become involved (Did you call? Did someone else call?)

Question Title

* 29. What were your expectations/intentions going into the interaction with RCMP/Police?

Question Title

* 30. If you had an interaction with RCMP/Police due to the sexual assault(s) did you feel you had a good understanding of how the process would work? Was the process explained to you in a way you understood? Did the process work the way you had expected it to?

Question Title

* 31. Did your work with RCMP/Police result in any charges for the person(s) who assaulted you?

Question Title

* 32. How satisfied were you with your interactions with the RCMP/Police in relation to the assault(s)?

Very Satisfied Neutral Very Dissatisfied
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

Question Title

* 33. Did the RCMP/Police give you other resources or information?

Question Title

* 34. Were you given any referrals to other services by the RCMP/Police?

Question Title

* 35. Is there anything else you want to say about your experience with RCMP/Police in relation to the sexual assault(s)?

Question Title

* 36. Did you access any of the following community or social services due to the assault(s)?

Question Title

* 37. What was your intent/expectations in accessing these services?

Question Title

* 38. Did you feel you had a good understanding of how these services would work? Did the process work the way you expected it to?

Question Title

* 39. How satisfied were you with the other community services you received?

Very Satisfied Neutral Very Dissatisfied
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

Question Title

* 40. During your experience accessing other community support services, were you given any of the following resources/information?

Question Title

* 41. During your experience accessing other community support services were you referred to any of the following additional services?

Question Title

* 42. Did you choose to file a Third Party Report with Victim Services? (Note: A Third Party Report is an anonymous report of the incident done through a victim services worker and submitted to police without your identifying information.)

Question Title

* 43. Is there anything else you would like to say about your experience accessing community supports for the sexual assault(s)?

Question Title

* 44. Did you decide not to access any services after the assault(s)?

Question Title

* 45. If you accessed no supports or services after your assault(s) (no police, hospital, counselling, victim services etc.) why did you choose not to?

Question Title

* 46. What changes could be made to the local supports/systems that would make them better for victims/survivors?

Question Title

* 47. Would a local 24-hour sexual assault crisis line or accessing local 24-hour on-call sexual assault support have been helpful for you or something that you would have used after the assault(s)? Is this a service you think is a benefit to people in Northern BC?

Question Title

* 48. Was the sexual assault(s) you experienced associated with a workplace or work colleague(s)? (Note: workplace harassment and assault doesn't have to take place at the work site to be considered workplace-related. It can take place between co-workers off site.)

Question Title

* 49. If the sexual assault(s) were related to your workplace, did the incident(s) follow ongoing sexual harassment/other bullying etc.?

Question Title

* 50. If this sexual assault(s) was related to a workplace incident(s), did you report it to your employer?

Question Title

* 51. If you reported the assault(s) to your employer, how satisfied were you with the response?

Very Satisfied Neutral Very Dissatisfied
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

Question Title

* 52. If you reported the sexual assault(s) to your employer, did they provide you with any of the following information/resources?

Question Title

* 53. If you reported the assault(s) to your employer did they refer you to any of the following services/supports?

Question Title

* 54. Is there anything else you want to say about the sexual assault you experienced with your workplace/work colleague(s)?

Question Title

* 55. If you disclosed or reported your sexual assault and/or accessed any of the systems or supports mentioned in the questions above, did you have to tell your story multiple times, to multiple people or were the responses you received as streamlined and simple as possible to ensure your comfort and safety?

Question Title

* 56. Do you feel your cultural, spiritual and/or religious beliefs and customs were respected during your experiences with responders to your sexual assault? Why or why not?

Question Title

* 57. Do you have any thoughts or suggestions on how responders to sexual assaults can be better supports or provide better services? (Please remember your thoughts, experiences and insights, including quotes from stories shared, may be used publicly to encourage better help for victims)

Question Title

* 58. Do you have a story, experience or any further insights that you would like to share with us here? (Please try to avoid identifying any individuals - perpetrators or survivors. Also, please remember your thoughts, experiences and insights, including quotes from stories shared, may be used publicly to encourage better help for victims)