Watt St Parklet Pilot Project


Tell us what you think about this community-led pilot project that aims to create a safer and more pleasant environment here on Watt St.
1.About You(Required.)
2.How do you normally use Watt St? (Check all that apply)
3.About the Parklet
I like this parklet
This parklet helps to improve the neighbourhood
I wish there were more of these in the neighbourhood
This parklet makes Watt St feel safer
This parklet makes me want to spend more time on Watt St
4.What do you like best about the parklet?
5.What would you improve about the parklet?
6.About the bus stop
I like this bus stop layout
This bus stop layout helps to improve the neighbourhood
I wish more bus stops in the neighbourhood were like this
This bus stop makes Watt St feel safer
This bus stop makes me want to spend more time on Watt St
7.What do you like best about this bus stop layout?
8.What would you improve about this bus stop?
9.Do you have any other suggestions for future projects and/or locations in the neighbourhood?
Current Progress,
0 of 9 answered