We'd love to hear about you and your career. If your feature is published on the cpl.ie website we will be in touch first. Each feature will receive a gift as a token of appreciation. 

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* 1. What’s your job title, and what company do you work for?

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* 2. Can you tell me about your background? When did you first become interested in the industry you work in?

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* 3. If you went to university - what did you study? Would you recommend this course for someone who wants to get involved your type of career, and why?

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* 4. Tell me about some of your most influential jobs, prior to your current role.

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* 5. How did you land your current job?

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* 6. What skills are needed to excel in your career?

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* 7. What’s next for you? Promotion, new project?

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* 8. Whose work (individual or company) from within your industry do you admire and why?

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* 9. Looking back on your career so far, what tips would you give to someone thinking of doing something similar?

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* 10. Please provide your name & email so we can get in touch if your feature is published.

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* 11. Would you be interested in taking part in a Cpl video - telling your career story?