SPARK Date Nights 2023

1.SPARK date nights will be open to couples across all ages and stages of life, and every gender and sexual identity.  What is your and your partner's relationship status?
2.What age range do you fall in?  (We realize you and your partner may be in different age groups; please just indicate your own.)
3.How would you describe your relationship? (Please note, your response is anonymous and confidential.)
4.Which of the following activities sound fun to you and your partner as group date nights? (Choose as many as you like.)
5.If these date nights were to be planned on a set schedule, which day of the month would you and your partner generally prefer? (Choose as many as you like, though we understand you may not be available to attend each month.)
6.Many date night activities will have an associated cost, which will be each couple's responsibility (e.g. tickets, registration fees, cover charges).  SPARK hopes to secure a group discount for as many date night activities as possible.  Given there will be variation in cost depending on the activity, how much would you as a couple generally be willing/able to spend on each date night?
7.In addition to the cost of the activity itself, we may request a small monthly donation on Patreon to cover the time and effort it takes Meghna and her team to organize, promote, and execute these group date nights each month.  How much would you as a couple be willing/able to contribute to join this "date night club" and support SPARK?
8.What most excites you and your partner about the SPARK date night club?
9.What, if anything, makes you or your partner hesitant about joining the SPARK date night club?
10.Any other questions, comments, or concerns you'd like to share with us?