Live Learning through The Hidden Orchard Project Question Title * 1. Would you be interested in a live learning opportunity with other subscribers? Yes No Question Title * 2. If Yes, would you prefer a single event, or once a 2-4 week study? Single learning event Weekly study (1 month) Question Title * 3. What topics would be of interest to you? General Bible Study Spiritual development (Mussar, Ethics, character refinement, personal development) Topics pertaining to the Soul New Testament Within Jewish Thought Deeper dive into specific content from The Hidden Orchard Site? Any of the above Other (please specify) Question Title * 4. Which Country are you located in? Question Title * 5. Which of the following are potential time slots for a study? Sunday afternoon Sunday evening Wednesday evening Thursday evening Question Title * 6. If in the US, what is your time zone? Pacific Mountain Central Eastern Question Title * 7. Your Email Address Done