
Your assistance here will help create an Atlas of Services to support future service planning and policy development for the North Sydney PHN (NSPHN).
There are two parts to this survey. 
In Part A we  ask you for brief details about your Organisation
You will need to complete Part A only once. 
In Part B we ask for details about each of your service delivery teams within the Northern Sydney PHN area.
You will need to complete Part B for each one of your service delivery teams within the Northern Sydney PHN area.
Each Part is short and should take no longer than 10 minutes to complete. It will help if you have an Organisational chart and your staffing breakdowns handy as we ask about your various programs and services, their locations and the FTE of each team.
If you have any questions or need assistance with this survey please email Tanya Bell:

Question Title

* 1. Welcome - do you wish to