Program Proposal Guidelines

Please review the following information before proceeding. 
Do you have a great idea for a library program? Do you have expertise you want to share with the community? We'd love to hear about it.

This form is for individuals, organizations, or businesses who want to contribute to the community by co-sponsoring a program with York County Public Library. 

What is a library program? A library program is an event that promotes the use of library materials, facilities, or services and/or offers the community an educational, recreational, or cultural experience. Programs are planned for the interest and enlightenment of community members.

What types of programs is YCPL looking for?
 Anything that you think may be of interest to York County residents and the surrounding community. Previous programs have featured musical performances, gardening and crafting demonstrations, career and financial seminars, and much more.

What type of programs cannot be held at the YCPL? Library programs must be noncommercial in nature. Programs will NOT be allowed to serve as a platform for generating income for any sponsoring group or individual.

Who chooses what proposals to accept? The selection of library program topics, speakers, presentations, and resource materials will be made by library staff on the basis of the interests and needs of library users and the community.


Please click "Next" to fill out your proposal.