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* 1. Your details (in case we need to get in touch)

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* 2. Coach of the year nomination (2015 winner: Jane Grey)

FIT has a fantastic group of coaches in the fields of running, swimming, cycling, water running and triathlon. We think all our coaches are pretty amazing however we’re giving you the tough task of choosing the coach who you think has impacted you the most. We’re encouraging all members to vote including our newest members, especially those who have done some of our great training programs – Rookie Running, Rookie Swimming, NANA cycling and the WTTP.

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* 3. Coach of the year - paragraph explaining nomination

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* 4. Volunteer of the year nomination (2015 winner: Glenda Shelley)

FIT has a large group of volunteers who work tirelessly behind the scenes organising the day-today running of FIT – this group includes the members of the FIT committee, our coaches, our newsflash coordinator, our Saturday run coordinator, website officer, uniforms coordinator, organisers of social events, and the organisers of our various swimming, water running, cycling and running training programs. There are also many other volunteers who provide essential help and without their support, the club wouldn't be so strong.

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* 5. Volunteer of the year - paragraph explaining nomination

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* 6. Personal achievement of the year nomination (2015 winner: Jing Huang)

This award is in line with the FIT philosophy of encouraging our members to step outside their comfort zone and to take on new challenges; we see so many examples of women managing difficult family, work or personal circumstances and yet managing to achieve something personally. Please nominate someone who has had a great personal achievement in 2016. 

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* 7. Personal achievement of the year - paragraph explaining nomination