Teacher Self-Care Survey

1.How would you rate your current dedication to self-care?
2.Which self-care practices do you engage in? Please feel free to include any additional comments or details.
3.What is your main challenge or concern regarding self-care as a teacher?
4.Which resources would you be most interested in to enhance your self-care?
5.Please select the wellness area you are most interested in addressing as part of your own self-care journey:
6.Which specific topics or practices within your chosen wellness dimension above would you like teacher self-care resources to cover?
7.How valuable would it be that the teacher self-care resources be Montessori inspired or aligned?
8.What outcome would you most desire from teacher self-care resources?
9.Any other comments or suggestions? How else can we support you in your self-care and wellness journey as an educator and Montessorian?
10.To receive updates on our work around teacher self-care and other Montessori and wellness offerings, please leave your email below! You can also follow us on Instagram or Facebook @montessoriwellness for news and inspiration!