RITACONSULT TM, being non-affiliated, self-funds its projects and it is highly dependent on your citizens’ activity. Some of our surveys are continuing from the previous periods of time. Some of them are completely new ones. We, though, have surveys going all the time. And you participate in them all the time as well. It’s a two way project, so thank you for your job.

Welcome for participation in the
We would like to ask you some questions about the health services which are available for public in your local area.

The information you give us is strictly confidential. It is used only in summarized form with the answers of all other participants. Our research enterprise is unrelated to the use of personal data for profiling, databases and other such purposes.

There are no right and wrong answers, but only personal opinions, observations and evaluations. Please answer the questions according to your level of experience, your personal competence and your awareness. If you are hesitant or have an opinion based on third party evaluations or rumours, please do not hesitate to answer "I don't know".

*For more information about our research ethics, please visit research.ritaconsult.com

Question Title

* 1. Please indicate in which hospital in which department were you or a member of your family with whom you live together during the last year:

Question Title

* 2. Generally speaking, how would you rate your satisfaction with the hospitals in which were you or a member of your family with whom you live together during the last year :

  Very dissatisfied Fairly dissatisfied Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied Fairly satisfied Very satisfied
The hospital in which was I: Overall satisfaction from the entire health services received
The hospital in which was I: Quality of healthcare
The hospital in which was I: Methods of healthcare
The hospital in which was I: Level of professionalism of the health care providers
The hospital in which was I: Visitation hours
The hospital in which was I: Individual approach to the patients
The hospital in which was I: listening to patients' suggestions and complaints
The hospital in which was I: Medical examinations' schedule
The hospital in which was I: Size of the department
The hospital in which was I: Dress code
The hospital in which was I: Medical techniques available
The hospital in which was I: Food services
The hospital in which was I: Extracurricular activities available
The hospital in which was I: Quality of the medications used
The hospital in which was I: Accommodation of the patients
The hospital in which was I: Safety of the patients
The hospital in which was I: Security of patient’s personal property
The hospital in which was I: The professional qualities of the doctors
The hospital in which was I: The professional qualities of hospital administration
The hospital in which was I: The professional qualities of the support staff
The hospital in which was my husband/wife/partner: Overall satisfaction from the entire health services received
The hospital in which was my husband/wife/partner: Quality of healthcare
The hospital in which was my husband/wife/partner: Methods of healthcare
The hospital in which was my husband/wife/partner: Level of professionalism of the health care providers
The hospital in which was my husband/wife/partner: Visitation hours
The hospital in which was my husband/wife/partner: Individual approach to the patients
The hospital in which was my husband/wife/partner: listening to patients' suggestions and complaints
The hospital in which was my husband/wife/partner: Medical examinations' schedule
The hospital in which was my husband/wife/partner: Size of the department
The hospital in which was my husband/wife/partner: Dress code
The hospital in which was my husband/wife/partner: Medical techniques available
The hospital in which was my husband/wife/partner: Food services
The hospital in which was my husband/wife/partner: Extracurricular activities available
The hospital in which was my husband/wife/partner: Quality of the medications used
The hospital in which was my husband/wife/partner: Accommodation of the patients
The hospital in which was my husband/wife/partner: Safety of the patients
The hospital in which was my husband/wife/partner: Security of patient’s personal property
The hospital in which was my husband/wife/partner: The professional qualities of the doctors
The hospital in which was my husband/wife/partner: The professional qualities of hospital administration
The hospital in which was my husband/wife/partner: The professional qualities of the support staff
The hospital in which was one of my children: Overall satisfaction from the entire health services received
The hospital in which was one of my children: Quality of healthcare
The hospital in which was one of my children: Methods of healthcare
The hospital in which was one of my children: Level of professionalism of the health care providers
The hospital in which was one of my children: Visitation hours
The hospital in which was one of my children: Individual approach to the patients
The hospital in which was one of my children: listening to patients' suggestions and complaints
The hospital in which was one of my children: Medical examinations' schedule
The hospital in which was one of my children: Size of the department
The hospital in which was one of my children: Dress code
The hospital in which was one of my children: Medical techniques available
The hospital in which was one of my children: Food services 
The hospital in which was one of my children: Extracurricular activities available 
The hospital in which was one of my children: Quality of the medications used 
The hospital in which was one of my children: Accommodation of the patients 
The hospital in which was one of my children: Safety of the patients
The hospital in which was one of my children: Security of patient’s personal property
The hospital in which was one of my children: The professional qualities of the doctors
The hospital in which was one of my children: The professional qualities of hospital administration
The hospital in which was one of my children: The professional qualities of the support staff

Question Title

* 3. How would you evaluate your our your family member's health improvements after hospital’s services in comparison with the condition before:

  Very low Low Nor high nor low High Very high
The hospital in which was I
The hospital in which was my husband/wife/partner
The hospital in which was one of my children

Question Title

* 4. How would you evaluate from very high to very low the level of the healthcare received by you or a member of your family during the stay in this hospital in each of the following:

  Very low Low Nor high nor low High Very high
The hospital in which was I: Efficiency measured as final result of this health problem
The hospital in which was I: Holistic approach to your general health
The hospital in which was I: Physical comfort (good medications, good technology and tools)
The hospital in which was I: Emotional comfort
The hospital in which was I: Moral/religious comfort
The hospital in which was I: Communication/ keeping patients informed in a language they understand
The hospital in which was I: Diversity tolerance
The hospital in which was I: Independently thinking specialists
The hospital in which was my husband/wife/partner: Efficiency measured as final result of this health problem
The hospital in which was my husband/wife/partner: Holistic approach to your general health
The hospital in which was my husband/wife/partner: Physical comfort (good medications, good technology and tools)
The hospital in which was my husband/wife/partner: Emotional comfort
The hospital in which was my husband/wife/partner: Moral/religious comfort
The hospital in which was my husband/wife/partner: Communication/ keeping patients informed in a language they understand
The hospital in which was my husband/wife/partner: Diversity tolerance
The hospital in which was my husband/wife/partner: Independently thinking specialists
The hospital in which was one of my children: Efficiency measured as final result of this health problem
The hospital in which was one of my children: Holistic approach to your general health
The hospital in which was one of my children: Physical comfort (good medications, good technology and tools)
The hospital in which was one of my children: Emotional comfort
The hospital in which was one of my children: Moral/religious comfort
The hospital in which was one of my children: Communication/ keeping patients informed in a language they understand
What is the hospital’s greatest strength?The hospital in which was one of my children: Diversity tolerance
The hospital in which was one of my children: Independently thinking specialists

Question Title

* 5. What is the hospital’s greatest strength?
(Please check ONE BOX ONLY for each hospital)

Question Title

* 6. What is the hospital’s greatest weakness?
(Please check ONE BOX ONLY for each hospital)

Question Title

* 7. What would be the one area in which this hospital needs mostly improvement:

Question Title

* 8. Please indicate the one most important factor in your decision to chose this hospital:

Question Title

* 9. This is the place to say thank you to your doctor or to give her/him recommendations:

Question Title

* 10. Can you please tell us something about you?