We are grateful that throughout the Covid pandemic we were able to continue the tradition of Convocation, held annually since 1905, by gathering online. We worked hard to make three consecutive online Convocations special for participants who attended the sessions via Zoom. This year, on Thursday and Friday, September 28 & 29, we will gather for an in-person Convocation in Hallowell, Maine. The theme is Kinship: Re-Weaving the Great Web of Belonging. 

We realize, though, that those of you who live some distance from Maine may not be able to travel to attend Convocation. With this in mind, we are considering offering an Online Companions track, curated by Peterson Toscano, producer of The BTS Center’s Climate Changed podcast. 

If you would consider being part of an online Convocation community, please complete the following questionnaire. This will help us to create the most meaningful experience for you and other participants.
Demographic Information

Question Title

* Birthday:

Question Title

* Gender:

Question Title

* Race/ethnicity:

Question Title

* Faith tradition:

Previous Convocation Experience

Question Title

* During Convocation online, we offered a variety of activities and events. Choose up to three that you enjoyed the most.

Interests for Convocation 2023

Question Title

* In addition to watching the keynote presentations live (or in a recording), how interested are you in attending a private online Question, Answer, Response session with keynote speakers?

0 - Not interested 10 - Extremely interested
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

Question Title

* How interested are you in being part of small groups in breakout rooms?

0 - Leave me out of it! 10 - Extremely interested
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

Question Title

* If you like the idea of small groups in breakout rooms, how would you prefer to be placed in these groups?

Question Title

* How interested are you in a session with an artist leading the group?

0 - Not Interested 10 - Extremely interested
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

Question Title

* How interested are you in a session where participants can take part in reading / performing short climate themed plays?

0 - Not Interested 10 - Extremely interested
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

Question Title

* How would you feel about being a buddy with another participant so you could go for a walk together remotely while speaking on the phone or via Zoom?

0 - No Thank You! 10 - I feel very excited about this option
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

Question Title

* How well do you feel Zoom works as a platform for watching speakers and online discussions?

0 - It’s terrible 10 - It is the perfect on-line option
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

Question Title

* What additional suggestions, requests, or resources do you have for us as we consider how to make the Convocation Online Companion experience meaningful, enriching, and worth your time?

Question Title

* Name (optional):