In this competitive labor market that emphasizes quality of employment, we are trying to stay ahead of the curve. We are considering new business hours as a way improve the quality of life for our team, by allowing for consistent predictable scheduling that accommodates 2 consecutive days off for all team members. We don't want to compromise the quality or the knowledge of the services we provide, nor hinder our customers shopping experience. 
All inputs will be taken under consideration. We appreciate time taken and useful insights. 

Question Title

* 1. Of the following sets of business hours, which would you find most helpful? (Please consider browsing, ordering, and material pickup)

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* 2. How important is being open after 5:00 on a weekday?

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* 3. How important is being open at 9:00 on a weekday?

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* 4. What is the Saturday hour range that you typically shop for home goods?

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* 5. Currently we are open on Thursday from 11:00 - 7:00 to accommodate those working 9-5 on a weekday. We have experienced decreasing use of the hour between 6-7 over the last 4 years.
How valuable is having this weekday "late closing time"?

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* 6. If a business is closed when I am ready to make a purchase, I....

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* 7. Any other comments or suggestions regarding hours?