YFC Celebrating 30 Years 1992 - 2022

As part of our 30 year celebrations we are asking you to share your stories about your time and involvement with the Yangebup Family Centre.

We also invite you to attend our Open Day on Saturday 13 August from 9am - 2pm.

If you have additional comments that don't fit in the space provided, or photos you would like to share, please email info@yangebupfamilycentre.org

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* 1. What is your relationship to the Centre? (check all relevant)

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* 2. When did you first come to the Centre?

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* 3. How many years have you been involved with the Centre?

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* 4. What comes to mind when you think of the Centre and your time there?

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* 5. Do you have any other memories or stories to share?

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* 6. What have you gained from being involved with the Centre?

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* 7. Would you like to say anything else about your experiences at the Centre?

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* 8. You are welcome to leave your name and email address