This survey, in conjunction with the Business survey is intended to be completed by businesses and Exercise Professionals within the fitness industry, reflecting on the impact that COVID-19 and the Government restrictions has place on individual businesses, exercise professionals and the broader industry. The purpose of this survey is to collect and collate industry data that will form a report titled ‘COVID-19 Fitness Industry Impact’ which will be utilised to advocate to state and federal governments on behalf of the fitness sector.

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* 1. Please select what best describes you/your business:

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* 2. Have you lost your job/main source of income due to closures and social distancing restrictions?

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* 3. How many new clients have you had in the past two weeks?

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* 4. How does this compare to the previous two-week period before the COVID-19 outbreak? Please round up to nearest percentage.

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* 5. How many client-driven membership suspensions / cancellations of sessions have you received (note: this does not include ones automatically put on hold by you due to closures)

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* 6. What change have you seen to your cash flow, compared to usual operation?

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* 7. What business related external costs are you still paying (select all applicable)?

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* 8. What is the value of these continuing external costs?

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* 9. Have you been able to generate any new source of ongoing income by moving training online or outdoors with appropriate social distancing measures in place?

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* 10. How have you done this?

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* 11. What income have you been able to generate by adapting the delivery of your training (ie online or outdoors)

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* 12. How many of your existing clients have transitioned to online workouts or permitted outdoor activity?

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* 13. On average, how many people did you train each week before COVID-19 restrictions and closures?

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* 14. How many people are you training per week now?