Dear Student,

Please take a few moments to answer the following questions concerning your possible future career. We value your opinion as a student and need your input to help determine what courses to offer in our high schools. Responses will be used to help determine Career Technical and Agricultural course offerings at the High Schools in Houston County.

Thank you for taking the time to help us.

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1. Please enter your name.

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2. Please enter the name of your school.

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3. Please click on what grade you are in.

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4. What careers would interest you in the "Engineering & Technology" area? Choose all that apply, or choose "None of the above" if you are not interested in any of these.

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5. What careers would interest you in the "Agriculture" area? Choose all that apply, or choose "None of the above" if you are not interested in any of these.

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6. What careers would interest you in the "Architecture, Construction, Communications & Transportation" area? Choose all that apply, or choose "None of the above" if you are not interested in any of these.

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7. What careers would interest you in the "Business and Computer Science" area? Choose all that apply, or choose "None of the above" if you are not interested in any of these.

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8. What careers would interest you in the "Culinary Arts" area? Choose all that apply, or choose "None of the above" if you are not interested in any of these.

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9. What careers would interest you in the "Education" area? Choose all that apply, or choose "None of the above" if you are not interested in any of these.

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10. What careers would interest you in the "Family & Consumer Sciences" area? Choose all that apply, or choose "None of the above" if you are not interested in any of these.

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11. What careers would interest you in the "Government & Public Safety" area? Choose all that apply, or choose "None of the above" if you are not interested in any of these.

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12. What careers would interest you in the "Healthcare Science" area? Choose all that apply, or choose "None of the above" if you are not interested in any of these.

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13. What careers would interest you in the "Marketing, Sales & Services" area? Choose all that apply, or choose "None of the above" if you are not interested in any of these.