Survey Consent

Dear Participant,
Our research group is surveying current medical students to understand the nature and prevalence of sexist microaggressions in medical school. Survey results will help guide recommendations targeted at reducing mistreatment and the associated stress and burnout. 
This short survey will take <5 minutes to complete. Your participation would be greatly appreciated. 

This survey is completely voluntary and anonymous. No personally identifiable information will be linked to survey responses. 
If you choose to participate, please answer all questions as honestly as possible.  
Thank you in advance for your time and consideration. 

Sarah Struble 
M.D. Candidate, Class of 2023
California University of Science and Medicine - School of Medicine

IRB# HS-2021-11

Question Title

* 1. I have read the above information and understand the terms of my participation. I agree to participate in this study.