Boxwood, euonymus and ilex losses

In light of the prohibition of exports of Boxwood, Euonymus and Ilex to the US market, CNLA is asking for your help in identifying the economic losses incurred to date by the Canadian nursery sector.  CNLA and CFIA are meeting with USDA-APHIS and AmericanHort on July 17th at Cultivate in Ohio. To support negotiations on reopening the US market to the three host plants CNLA wants to present the economic losses experienced in Canada as a result of the US's actions. The losses to the Canadian sector are significant and its important that we quantify those losses at the meeting. CNLA will also use the value of these losses in discussions with Agriculture Canada’s business risk management program staff when advocating for support for those growers affected.  All data provided will be kept confidential and only amalgamated numbers will be shared.
Please provide your best estimates to the following questions and return your responses by the end of the day Friday, July 14. 
Consider all losses incurred since the export prohibition was put in place on May 26, 2021

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* 1. What is the total wholesale value of sales lost ($CDN) to date for your farm for:

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* 2. What percentage of these lost sales were destined for the US?

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* 3. What margin loss ($CDN) has your farm incurred because of over-supply and discounted pricing of the host plants in the Canadian market?

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* 4. Have you destroyed any inventory of the host plants?

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* 5. If you responded Yes to Q4 indicate the number of plants destroyed and pot sizes:

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* 6. If you answered Yes to Q4 please indicate the wholesale value ($CDN) of plants destroyed:

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* 7. If export trade does not resume by December 31, 2023, do you plan to destroy inventory of the host plants before then?

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* 8. If you responded Yes to Q7 please indicate the number of plants you plan to destroy and pot sizes:

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* 9. If you responded Yes to Q7, please indicate the wholesale value ($CDN) of plants you plan to destroy:

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* 10. Indicate the percentage of total sales for each host plant prior to May 26, 2021.

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* 11. Indicate the percentage of total sales for each host plant now.

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* 12. Have you decreased propagation/production numbers since May 2021?

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* 13. If you answered Yes to Q13, by what percentage have you decreased propagation/production from pre May 2021 numbers?

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* 14. If export trade does not resume by December 31, 2023, by what percentage will you decrease propagation/production numbers from pre May 2021 levels?

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* 15. Please provide any additional comments on how BTM has impacted your nursery.