Board of Directors Commitment Letter
First Name
Last Name
Email Address for Board of Directors Communication
I agree to the following:
In accepting a nomination to run for the Utah Association of REALTORS® Board of Directors, I recognize that I am making a significant investment in terms of time and energy. By signing this letter, I hereby commit to the following responsibilities and expectations:
1. I commit to attend all Board of Directors meetings. I further commit to attend said meetings on time, to stay for the entire meeting, and while present to dedicate all of my attention to participate and contribute to the efforts and discussions of the Board.
2. I understand that being absent from any two regular Board meetings during the year will be considered a resignation from the Board. I further acknowledge that coming to a meeting more than 15 minutes late or leaving more than 15 minutes early will constitute an absence.
3. I agree to prepare for all meetings by reviewing agendas, minutes, reports, etc. prior to the actual meeting.
4. I will become familiar with the Bylaws and Policies and Procedures of the Utah Association of REALTORS®, and I will review these documents regularly. I understand the length of my term. I understand the travel reimbursement policy for my position.
5. I will assist the president and Executive Committee as requested.
6. I commit to fulfill an assignment as an informal liaison to the board of directors of my local board.
7. I commit to do everything in my power to attend all Association events.
8. I will strive to become a Sterling R ($1,000 contributor to the REALTORS® Political Action Committee) each year while serving on the Board. Directors are encouraged to contribute a minimum of $500 to RPAC per year.
9. I acknowledge that I am serving on the Board in a fiduciary capacity.
10. I will keep certain information and discussions confidential, including but not limited to: comments made in Board meetings, individual votes, financial matters, etc. I will never disclose which directors made motions or how they voted, and I will never criticize a decision made by the Board outside of a Board meeting.
11. I agree to exercise reasonable skill and care by asking questions about the operations of the Association and my role as a director. I will also be willing to express my opinions during Board meetings about any matter brought before the Board, even if those opinions are different from those of the Executive Committee or other directors, as well as to discuss and debate those issues in an appropriate manner and in the appropriate venue.
12. I agree that should I have any concerns or questions between Board meetings, I will discuss them with the president or CEO.
13. I agree and consent to be noticed of all board meetings by email.
14. By signing this letter, I warrant that I have not been sanctioned by the Utah Division of Real Estate nor found in violation of the Code of Ethics within in the last three years. I further warrant that I have no unpaid arbitration awards or unpaid financial obligations to the UAR or any other association or MLS.