Marketing Module

Marketing Strategy consists of four key sections, each of which is aimed at answering distinct questions.

1. Market Analysis: Does the market exist and is it large enough to pursue?
2. Customer Profile: What do my target customer(s) look like? Where do they live and breathe?
3. Branding & Messaging: At our core, what are we and how do we share that with the market?
4. Media Plan: Putting all of the above into action, where and how do we deploy resources to spread the word?
As you work through the questionnaire, the Resource Guide can help so you'll want to keep it handy! If you didn't download it directly from the Union platform, you can DOWNLOAD THE RESOURCE GUIDE HERE

Next Steps:

 -Review the Checklist on the next page
   - feel prepared? – complete the Marketing Questionnaire
   - need more information? – checkout the Resource Guide Linked Above
- Reach out to Mentors to discuss your answers. 
- Revise your Questionnaire, as needed
- Proceed to Sales Module or others. 

PRO TIP: Check out Steve Blank’s Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Marketing Communications.

Dive deeper with other popular experts including Neil Patel and Gary Vaynerchuk.

Proprietary and Confidential, Not for Distribution

Question Title

* Things to Think About, Do & Plan For....