We invite you to complete a short graphic presentation survey. This survey is voluntary, and should only take a couple of minutes to finish. By completing this survey you will enter a draw to win one of 10 x $10 pizza vouchers to use at the UQ Pizza Cafe.

Question Title

Please indicate the extent to which you agree with the following statements about graphic presentation in academic writing:

  Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly disagree Don't know
Every graphic in academic papers should have an appropriate title and number (e.g. Figure 1)
Titles can be placed anywhere on a graphic as long as they are clear
Graphics should appear as soon as practical after their first mention in the text
I can refer to graphics using phrases such as “see left”, “below” and “see figure page 4”
The role of graphics is to make my papers look better
It doesn’t matter which type of graph I use to present my data
I should use the default computer settings for my graphs and diagrams because the software will know the best way to present my data
Figures and tables are placed at the back of papers in an appendix
I should include as many graphics as I can in my papers, as this will demonstrate my research abilities to the assessor

Question Title

Why do you include graphics in your own academic writing? List 3 of your reasons: