Question Title

* 2. Do you have a library card?

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* 3. How often do you use and/or visit a Hunterdon County Library (any location)?

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* 4. How do you get to the library?

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* 5. What would be a reason for you to visit the library? Check all that apply

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* 6. Please check the social media platforms you would follow the library on

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* 7. What do you think of when you think of the library?

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* 8. What makes an area a good place to hang out?

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* 9. Would you like to be part of a group that made decisions regarding the library?

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* 10. What kind of programs would you attend at the library?

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* 11. Would you attend a library event not at the library?

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* 12. Do you prefer eBooks or print?

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* 13. Have you borrowed eBooks or eAudiobooks from the library?

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* 14. If you are a Junior or Senior, what are you plans after high school?

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* 15. What is something that the library doesn't have that would make you visit if it did?