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The goal of this survey is to collect information on the return on investment of Emergency Management Performance Grant (EMPG) program funds nationwide. This is being sent to you as a potential grant recipient or as a member of IAEM for your emergency management program. This survey is also being sent to all states and territories for their input.
---- Notice ----
Please do not complete this survey unless (1) you are a current full- or part- time local government emergency manager and (2) your agency receives EMPG funds.  

Examples of local government emergency managers for whom this survey is designed include county or parish emergency managers, city, township, or village emergency managers, and tribal emergency managers.

This survey asks you to share numbers regarding activities supported by EMPG funding from October 1, 2019 – September 30, 2020 (Federal Fiscal Year 2020). 

Please respond with figures based on the amount of EMPG funding you have received OR anticipate receiving for FY 2020.

For inquiries related to the survey questions and their significance, please contact

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* 1. Are you a local government emergency manager as described above?

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* 2. Please fill in the following information

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* 3. Is your position dedicated full-time (i.e., 35 hours or more per week) to emergency management?

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* 4. What kind of jurisdiction do you represent?

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* 5. What is the total population for the jurisdiction(s) you serve?

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