SGS Community Survey

1.When did you first learn about Sacramento Guitar Society?
2.Did you know that Sacramento Guitar Society is a non-profit community organization relying on membership fees and donations?
3.How many years have you been a member
4.Why did you become a member (check all that apply)
5.If you are NOT a member, select why?
6.Have you ever made donations to SGS and why?
7.On a scale of 1-5 (1= Low and 5=Extremely high) how would you rate the trustworthiness of the organization
8.On a scale of 1-5 (1= Low and 5=Extremely high) how would you rate the artists that SGS has brought to Sacramento?
9.Please share any additional thoughts you may have regarding SGS, perhaps include what other programs and activities you would like to see this organization provide to make it more valuable to you.