Contribute to Research on Highly Sensitive People

Thank you for participating in our study designed to gather, share, and expand the depth and breadth of our understanding of the lives and experiences of Highly Sensitive People. By sharing your information here, you are providing validation and insight to other HSPs out there. You, your story, and your experiences are important.
You are invited to participate in the research project if you:
  • Are 18 years old or older,
  • Identify as a highly sensitive person,
  • Have a sufficient level of spoken and written English (as all questionnaires are in English),
  • Give permission for your answers to be shared as part of narratives, aggregated data, research studies, and articles created by the
  • Identifying information (names, emails, etc.) will not be shared without express permission.
All responses and information will remain anonymous. For more information and to review the privacy policy, visit: 

Question Title

* 1. Do you agree to participate in this survey given the terms above?