The Allentown School District will receive $131,689,411 through the Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) Fund.

We would like to provide our staff, students/families, and community partners with an additional opportunity to provide feedback during the next 30 days. Information submitted during this open comment period will be used to inform any revision or modification of the existing ARP ESSERS plan.

Please review ASD’s proposed plan/presentation to the board here before taking this survey:

Question Title

* 1. Please check the option that best applies to you.

Question Title

* 2. 2. In your opinion, how well does the plan address the Allentown School District’s six priority areas:
(a) Safe In-Person Learning,
(b) Facilities and Grounds Upgrades,
(c) Staff Recruitment, Support and Retention,
(d) Systemic Equity,
(e) Family and Community Partnerships,
(f) Academic Recovery and Acceleration?

Question Title

* 3. Of the following spending areas in the plan, what are the top three most important to you?

  Most Important  Second Most Important Third Most Important
Focus on staff recruitment and retention 
Supplemental programs for English Learners
New Windows 
Information Technology Upgrades 
K12 Curriculum & Textbook Adoption Process 
HVAC Upgrades
Re-invest in the arts & athletics
Supplemental programs for Special Education
Parent & Family Engagement Opportunities 
Professional Development for Staff
In-School and Extended Day Opportunities for remediation and enrichment  
Mental Health Services
Learning Loss
Attendance Support

Question Title

* 4. Is there any part of the plan you would be interested in learning more about? 

Question Title

* 5. Based on your review of our plan, what are its most important components? 

Question Title

* 6. Based on your review of our plan, what is missing?