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Question Title

* 1. HOPE. Hope is about seeing a future for yourself, believing that things will get better, feeling optimistic and having things you want to do.

Do you believe that you can live well and pursue your aspirations and goals?

Question Title

* 2. AGENCY. Agency is feeling like you are able to take control of the difficulties you are facing in life, knowing how to deal with things, and having information and choice about the support you have

Do you have a sense of control over your life?

Question Title

* 3. OPPORTUNITIES. To spend your time in a meaningful way that gives you purpose, or to connect with the people you want and feel a sense of belonging.

Can you build and meaningful life of your choice, with opportunities to be part of wider society?

Question Title

* 4. DISTRESS. How distressed are you?

Question Title

* 5. Can you tell us which service you used?