5% of survey complete.
Department Of Social Sciences
Wartburg College
Informed Consent Form

The relationship between religious orientation and well-being among college students at a Lutheran (ELCA) affiliated college
Primary Investigator: Angela Zook (angela.zook@wartburg.edu)
Faculty Research Advisor: Dr. Cynthia Bane (cynthia.bane@wartburg.edu)

Purpose of the Study:
I am a psychology major conducting this study in order to meet the requirements for my independent study. The purpose of this study is to see if there is a relationship between religious orientation and well-being among college students.

What will be done?
With this consent, you will be asked to complete a set of questionnaires that measures religious life, stress, depression, satisfaction of life, and self-esteem.

Anonymity and Confidentiality:
If you submit your name for course credit/extra credit, your participation will not be anonymous. However, your name will NOT be connected in any way to your responses on the questionnaire; your survey answers will be kept completely confidential. We will NOT know your IP address when you respond to the online survey. Although you will be asked questions about gender and year in school, this information will be used only to describe the sample and will not be used to connect your identity to your responses. I will not examine the data until all data are collected. Your data will be stored on a password-protected drive and deleted from the online survey collection system once all data have been collected. Only the researcher and the research advisor will have access to the data.

Benefits of this Study:
By participating in this study, you will be assisting in research associated with the relationship between religious orientation and college students’ well-being. Your participation will help me learn about how to perform data analysis and research in the field of psychology. You will receive credit or extra credit for a course for your participation if your professor has agreed to grant credit for participation.

How will the findings be used?
The results of the study will be used for scholarly purposes only. The results from the study will be presented in education settings such as on the Research Internship and Creative Endeavor (RICE) Day on Thursday, April 7th, 2016. Findings also might be used for research conference presentations or scholarly publications.