Coronavirus Resident Survey

1.I am resident of
2.Do you have any children under 18, in your household?
3.Has the coronavirus had an impact on you or any members of your household?
4.Mark all that you consider a concern/need for you or any members of your household. (Check all that apply)
5.If coronavirus testing was provided at the Authority, how likely is it that you or any members of your household would be tested?
6.Have you or any members of your household participated in any of the Authority's feeding programs?
7.Do you get information about events, programs, and resources from either of these sources?
8.Do you follow the Authority on Social Media via Twitter or Facebook?
9.Are you aware you can receive notifications from the Authority via Text Message and/or E-mail?
10.Please provide any additional comments/concerns/needs:
Current Progress,
0 of 10 answered