Remote Worker Co-Working Space Survey

Community Workplace Hub

The Community Economic Development Plan Engagement and Strategy Report indicates that there is a demand on Bowen Island for a shared office space for remote workers – a Community Workplace Hub, a flexible, co-working office space where high speed internet can be accessed while working at a hot desk or private office space, and possibly offer other interesting features, depending on the need.
The Community Economic Development Committee (CEDC) would like to learn more. We appreciate you taking the time to answer the following 10 questions.
1.What kind of remote worker are you?
2.How often do you work remotely?
3.Do you currently use the Library or Cove Commons as a remote working space?
4.Do you currently use coffee shops or other public spaces to work remotely?
5.Would you use a Community Workplace Hub
6.Where would you like to see the Community Workplace Hub?
7.What services do you think would be of value at a Community Workplace Hub? Please check the services that would interest you, or you that see of value for Bowen Island.
8.When would you need to access a Community Workplace Hub?
9.The Community Workplace Hub would need to be a sustainable business financially, likely without government funding. Based on how often you would plan to access the shared office space and what services you would use, as an individual, would you be willing to pay $25.00 per day or a minimum of $100 per month (for full access)?
10.Is there anything else you would like to share with us? Do you have any ideas?
11.If you would like to be included in future meet-ups, receive updates, or have questions or comments, please e-mail Stef at

Would you like to join us on Wednesday, December 7 at 4:30pm at Rustique Bistro to chat about workplace hub opportunities?