Question Title

* 1. Please enter your code that you wrote on the previous screen that includes the last two letters of your last name and the last 3 numbers of your phone number.

Question Title

* 2. Thank you for completing the study! As noted in the consent form, we are interested in contacting you for future surveys in exchange for rewards. We are really interested in how individuals and relationships change over time and would like to repeat this survey in the future. You could be part of a this groundbreaking long-term study of sex and relationships!

If you are willing to complete a follow up survey that will be linked to this survey, please enter your contact information below. Your name and email address will be kept separate from your data, so your name will never be in the same file as your answers.

We will never sell your contact information or contact you for any purpose outside of communicating the results of this study, or letting you know when a new study is ready.

Whether or not you provide your name will not affect your reward for this study.