Question Title

* 1. What month and year did you start the LiveWell Program?

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* 2. I found the program enjoyable

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* 3. I liked the structure/layout of the program (e.g. number of sessions, time frame, structure of sessions etc.)

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* 4. I enjoyed working and interacting with others in the group program

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* 5. Overall I found the program helpful/valuable

Question Title

* 6. In what ways was the program helpful/valuable?

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* 7. What would you change/add to the program to improve it?

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* 8. The program met my expectations

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* 9. I would recommend this program to anyone who has been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes

Question Title

* 10. Please rate your overall satisfaction with the program

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* 11. How do you feel your diabetes management is now, compared with before you participated in this program?

Question Title

* 12. Below is a list of the different aspects of the LiveWell type 2 diabetes program.

Please indicate how effective you felt each aspect of the program was in helping you manage your type 2 diabetes.

  Very ineffective Ineffective Undecided Effective Very effective
Receiving education from the exercise physiologist about exercise and diabetes
SMART goal setting
Monitoring exercise with a physical activity diary
Monitoring blood glucose levels before and after exercise to understand how exercise can help manage blood glucose levels
Receiving education from the dietitian about diet and diabetes
Practicing reading nutrition information panels with the dietitian to help choose foods from the supermarket
Comparing assessment measures of balance, strength, weight and body composition at the start and end of the program
Learning from the exercise physiologists about exercise at home (away from UQ Healthy Living)

Question Title

* 13. The following topics were covered throughout the Livewell Program:

  • Understanding type 2 diabetes
  • SMART goals
  • How exercise can assist the management of blood sugar levels
  • Exercise guidelines for type 2 diabetes
  • Understanding self-monitoring of blood sugar levels
  • How to treat a hypoglycaemic event (low blood sugar)
  • Blood sugar levels and driving
  • Safety and considerations for exercising at home (outside the clinic)
  • Dietary guidelines
  • Carbohydrates and glycaemic index (GI)
  • Alcohol and blood sugar levels
  • Cholesterol and fibre
  • How to read nutritional information panels and food labelling
  • Sick day management
  • Diabetes and Mental Health

What were your favourite education topics in the program, and why?

Question Title

* 14. What were your least favourite education topics in the program, and why?

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* 15. How satisfied were you with the take-home resources (e.g. physical activity diary, wallet guide to healthy choices, NDSS factsheets, exercise guidelines, example home exercise program).

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* 16. I plan to continue to use some of the strategies learnt in the program

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* 17. Do you have suggestions for future resources? If so, please list.

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* 18. Do you have any more feedback about the LiveWell program?

Thank you for participating in this survey and providing your valuable feedback!