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* 1. What issue is most important to you?

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* 2. The governor is proposing a carbon tax on large employers and on many large energy companies to pay for transportation and education. Knowing this will most likely raise the price of certain goods and services as well as energy prices, would you support the governor’s plan?

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* 3. The idea of a 12 cents-per-gallon gas tax increase is being floated around Olympia. Are you in favor of this gas tax increase to pay for new transportation projects?

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* 4. There is talk of a possible $4.5 billion property tax increase to help pay for much needed public works projects. Would you support paying higher property taxes to fund public works projects?

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* 5. With all we’re hearing in the press recently about digital privacy, identity theft and digital hacking, how important is it to strengthen digital privacy laws in this state?

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* 6. Should producers in Washington state be allowed to grow industrial hemp (non THC) as an agriculture product?

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* 7. Instead of a gas tax increase, there is talk of a “vehicle miles travelled” tax, or “road fee,” to fund transportation projects. Would you support this road fee to fund transportation?