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The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) through the Home Investments Partnerships (HOME) Program Grant has allocated Monroe County $4,290,012 and the City of Rochster ($8,982,027) of the American Rescue Plan (ARP) Actof 2021.  In collaboration with Partners Ending Homelessness, we are seeking your feedback on how you would like to see these funds spent in our community.

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* 1. Name of Person Completing Survey:

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* 2. Name of Organization

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* 3. Email Address

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* 4. Phone Number

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* 5. What is your involvement with the following Qualifying Populations:  Homeless; At-Risk of Homelessness; Fleeing Domestic Violence, sexual assault, stalking or human trafficking; veterans; families; other populations?

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* 6. What is your geographic service area? (i.e. - City of Rochester, Monroe County, town/village, neighborhood)

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* 7. Please rank the following needs in Monroe County from highest priority to lowest priority.   1= highest need and 6=lowest need

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* 8. Supportive Services

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* 9. Acquisition and Development of Non-Congregate Shelter

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* 10. Development of Affordable Rental Housing

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* 11. Program Administration (only 5% of funding is available)

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* 12. How likely are you to apply for Homeless Prevention Services funding?

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* 13. How likely are you to apply for Housing Counseling Funding?

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* 14. How likely are you to apply for Job Readiness services funding?

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* 15. How likely are you to apply for Life Skills Training funding?

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* 16. In your opinion, do Housing Counseling services such as housing search, landlord/tenant rights, budgeting, credit education/repair have a significant impact on our community?

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* 17. In your opinion, does Homelessness Prevention have a significant impact on our community?

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* 18. In your opinion does Job Readiness and/or Life Skills Training have a significant impact on our community?

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* 19. What factors lead to an effective Non-Congregate Shelter? Please rank  1 =  most important through 8 = least important

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* 20. Name two possible locations for a non-congregate shelter?

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* 21. If a non-congregate shelter(s) was developed, how could operating costs be sustained once HOME ARP funds have been expended?

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* 22. HOME - ARP funding is a one time opportunity to create programs/services that would have a significant impact on reducing/ending homelessness in this community.  Are there other eligible uses of this funding that were not specifically asked about that you think should be considered for potential funding?

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