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Thank you for participating in this survey about alumni engagement for Leadership Baltimore County! We cherish all our alumni and want to offer the best programming aimed at your top interests.

Estimated time to complete the survey: 8 minutes

At the end of the survey is a question about contact information. If you'd like to remain anonymous on the survey but indicated you would be interested in volunteering or collaborating with LBC, please contact Amanda Zinn at 410-583-5235.

Question Title

* 1. Rate your interest in the following list of alumni activities:

  Not At All Interested Somewhat Interested Interested Very Interested
Access to Corporate Leaders (i.e. Leader Luncheons with CareFirst's CEO and BGE's COO)
Access to Government Leaders (i.e. County Executive Leader Luncheon)
Behind the Scenes Tours (i.e. Amazon, Port of Baltimore, etc.)
Candidate Forums (candidates running for County Executive and County Council)
Networking with a Purpose Events
Community Service Projects/Volunteer Opportunities - Weekdays
Community Service Projects/Volunteer Opportunities - Weekends and Family-Friendly
Alumni Mentoring Program - Serving as a Mentor
Alumni Mentoring Program - Serving as a Mentee

Question Title

* 2. Rank what time of day would be preferable for you to attend an LBC activity?

Question Title

* 3. Rank what days of the week would be preferable for you to attend an LBC activity?

Question Title

* 4. What was your favorite LBC event you've attended and why?

If you haven't attended any LBC events, why not?

Question Title

* 5. What services, activities, events and benefits could LBC offer that would compel you to be a more engaged alum to realize the potential of the rich and diverse LBC community?

Please list any topics, organizations, leaders or locations that you would be interested in for future LBC alumni events.

Question Title

* 6. Would you be interested in volunteering with LBC? Please select any that interest you.

Question Title

* 7. Would you or your company attend high quality trainings on leadership topics?

If yes, please check those that you would attend and suggest additional topics:

Question Title

* 8. If you answered No to Question #7, please skip.

If you answered yes, please answer the following:

Question Title

* 9. Would your company be interested in collaborative opportunities?

Question Title

* 10. If you are interested in sharing additional thoughts, are interested in volunteering with LBC or would like to explore collaborative opportunities, please share your name and contact information. You may also reach out directly to Amanda Zinn or 410-583-5235.

0 of 10 answered