Woodlot Owner Capacity Adaptation Survey

The New Brunswick Federation of Woodlot Owners (NBFWO) is working with partners to build capacity to adapt to changing environmental conditions on private woodlots. This survey is part of a three-year project, funded by Natural Resources Canada and other provincial partners to support adaptation to climate change. Completing this survey will provide baseline understanding of the values, priorities and knowledge that influence management of your private woodlot. Thank you for participating in this first survey. Your contribution will provide essential information to this project. Your responses will remain anonymous and will be reported only in summary (i.e., percent responses to questions).  Your participation is voluntary and you may stop at any time. Completing the survey constitutes permission for us to use the information you provide in our analysis and summary reports.  If you have any questions about this survey, please contact Louise Comeau, research associate at the University of New Brunswick, louise27comeau@gmail.com, or Susannah Banks at nbfwo@nb.aibn.com. The survey should take about 20 minutes of your time to complete. Thank you.

Question Title

* 1. What are the first three digits of your postal code?

Question Title

* 2. How long have you lived in your present community? [CHECK ONE]

Question Title

* 3. We would like to obtain your views on the relationship between people and the forest. Please rate the extent you disagree or agree with each statement. [CHECK ONE PER ROW]

  Strongly disagree Disagree Neither disagree nor agree Agree Strongly agree
Forests should have the right to exist for their own sake
Forests should be managed for human needs only
It is important for me to know that forests exist in my province
Forests should exist mainly to serve human needs
Forests should be managed to meet as many human needs as possible
Forests give us a sense of peace and well-being

Question Title

* 4. We would like to obtain your views on the relationship between people and the forest. Please rate the extent you disagree or agree with each statement. [CHECK ONE PER ROW]

  Strongly disagree Disagree Neither disagree nor agree Agree Strongly agree
Forests let us feel close to nature
Forests are sacred places
Forests that are not used for the benefit of humans are a waste of our natural resources
Forests should be left to grow, develop and succumb to natural forces without being managed by humans
Humans should have more respect and admiration for the forests
It is important to maintain the forests for future generations

Question Title

* 5. We would like to obtain your views on the relationship between people and the forest. Please rate the extent you disagree or agree with each statement. [CHECK ONE PER ROW]

  Strongly disagree Disagree Neither disagree nor agree Agree Strongly agree
Forests rejuvenate the human spirit
If forests are not threatened by human actions, we should use them to add to the quality of human life [e.g., for recreation and other non-economic uses)
Wildlife, plants, and humans should have equal rights to live and develop
The primary function of forests should be for products and services that are useful to humans
Forests can be improved through management by humans

Question Title

* 6. Check all the types of forests in New Brunswick where you spend time during a typical year. I visit…[CHECK ALL THAT APPLY]

Question Title

* 7. Please indicate which of the following recreational activities you do in New Brunswick’s forests during a typical year [CHECK ALL THAT APPLY]

Question Title

* 8. Which of the following products from the forest are used in your household during a typical year? Please check all the products you buy, are given, or harvest yourself. [CHECK ALL THAT APPLY]

Question Title

* 9. If you own or manage a private woodlot, how large is this woodlot [CHECK ONE]

Question Title

* 10. Are you familiar with land conservation easements? [CHECK ONE]

Question Title

* 11. If you own or manage a private woodlot, would you be interested in protecting it with a conservation easement that would allow you to harvest wood, but would protect the woodlot for future generations? [CHECK ONE]

Question Title

* 12. Please indicate how important each of these forest-related goals is to you on a scale from not at all important to very important [CHECK ONE PER ROW]

  Not at all important Somewhat unimportant Neither important nor unimportant Somewhat important Very important
To create economic wealth and jobs
To maintain the diversity and characteristics of New Brunswick's forests
To ensure that wood supply for the forest industry remains at current levels
To use for recreation and relaxation
To provide wildlife and plant habitat
To access for meat, firewood, berries, traditional medicines, and other non-timber products
To protect water quality
To protect forests from fire
To protect forests from insect pests and diseases
To conserve forests to absorb carbon (which happens as plants and trees grow)
To protect forests for future generations

Question Title

* 13. How concerned are you about climate change? [CHECK ONE]

Question Title

* 14. Do you talk to friends and family about climate change? [CHECK ONE]

Question Title

* 15. Do you think? [CHECK ONE PER ROW]

  Yes No Not sure
Climate change is affecting forests in New Brunswick
Climate change will affect forests in New Brunswick
Climate change is affecting forest-dependent jobs in your community
Climate change will affect forest-dependent jobs in your community

Question Title

* 16. If you answered yes to any of the items in the previous question, could you say in a sentence or two how you think climate change is, or will, affect forests and/or forest-dependent jobs in your community?

Question Title

* 17. In your opinion, has your community over the past 20 to 30 years experienced...[CHECK ONE PER ROW]

  Increased Decreased No change Not sure
Freeze/thaw cycles
Spring-time flooding
Ice build-up
Insect outbreaks in forestry or farming
Winter flooding
Forest fires
Wind, causing tree blow down or property damage

Question Title

* 18. Have you personally been affected by an extreme weather event (e.g., from an ice storm, flooding, drought) in the last five years? [CHECK ONE]

Question Title

* 19. If you answered yes to the previous question, please indicate in a sentence or two, how you were affected by this extreme weather event(s)?

Question Title

* 20. If you own a private woodlot, has the way you manage your woodlot been affected by extreme weather events (e.g., from an ice storm, flooding, drought)? [CHECK ONE PER ROW]

  Yes No Not sure
Ice storm
Wind storm

Question Title

* 21. If you answered yes to any of the items in the previous question, please describe in a sentence or two, how your private woodlot has been affected by extreme weather events (e.g., from an ice storm, flooding, drought)?

Question Title

* 22. Have you ever attended a community meeting focused on climate change impact to forests or opportunities like carbon offsets? [CHECK ONE]

Question Title

* 23. How aware are you of the following issue in New Brunswick? [CHECK ONE PER ROW]

  Not aware at all Not very aware Somewhat aware Aware Very aware Not sure
Other forest health issues
Potential for a new spruce budworm outbreak
Reduction in water quality
Emerald Ash Borer
Degradation of forest habitat
Ice damage to hardwood tree species
Tree species and forest composition changes due to forest management
Changes in or level of forest fire risk
Short-term projected changes in demand for forest products from carbon regulations (e.g., demand for biofuel could increase, demand for construction lumber could increase)
Current discussions about herbicide use in forestry
Hemlock Woolly Adelgid
Changes over time in the number or reach of invasive species

Question Title

* 24. Have you considered climate change when preparing or updating your private woodlot management or operating plan/or silviculture plan? [CHECK ONE]

Question Title

* 25. Thinking about climate change and your private woodlot, which of the following do you believe are  things (not at all to very important) you can do to adapt to climate change? [CHECK ONE PER ROW]

  Not at all important Slightly important Moderately important Slightly important Important Very Important Not sure
Planting more trees
Planting different tree species than I have been
Diversifying tree species by harvesting different species than I have been
Managing to diversify age classes
Increase selective logging
Increase riparian buffers
Increase canopy cover
Managing for fire resistance
Managing for pest resistance

Question Title

* 26. In your opinion, is each of the following doing too much or too little to help New Brunswickers adapt to climate change? [CHECK ONE PER ROW]

  Not enough About the right amount Too much Not sure
Federal government
Provincial government
Local government or local service district
Emergency Measures Organization
Private woodlot marketing boards
Regional Service Commissions
Provincial Department of Infrastructure and Transportation
NB Power
Provincial Department of Environment and Local Government
Provincial Department of Energy and Resource Development

Question Title

* 27. We would like to know how familiar you are with New Brunswick's forests and their management. Please indicate if you think each statement is true or false or you are not sure. [CHECK ONE PER ROW]

  True False Not sure
Over 30% of New Brunswick crown lands are permanently protected by legislation from any timber harvesting
The Acadian forest is a forest ecosystem made up of a mix of softwood and hardwood trees
Clearcutting is the most common harvesting method in New Brunswick
In New Brunswick, 75% of forests are on Crown lands
Forest companies are required to follow government guidelines when harvesting timber on Crown lands
By law, a buffer strip of trees must be left along rivers, streams, and wetlands during timber harvesting
In winter, deer thrive in very young planted forests
The forest industry contributes less to New Brunswick's economy than the agriculture industry

Question Title

* 28. Which of these is a greenhouse gas? [CHECK ONE]

Question Title

* 29. What are the processes leading to global warming? [CHECK ONE]

Question Title

* 30. The major greenhouse gases in the atmosphere intercept the incoming solar radiation from the sun and re-emit it back towards space [CHECK ONE]

Question Title

* 31. About how much has the Earth's average temperature changed over the past century? [CHECK ONE]

Question Title

* 32. As average global temperature rises... [CHECK ONE]

Question Title

* 33. Does anyone in your household obtain income from the following activities [CHECK ALL THAT APPLY]

Question Title

* 34. Do you belong to any of the following organizations? [CHECK ALL THAT APPLY]

Question Title

* 35. You identify as

Question Title

* 36. On many political issues, people sometimes talk of left and right. Sometimes people who are left leaning will say they are liberal and people who are right leaning will say they are conservative, regardless of the political party they might vote for. Where would you place yourself on a scale of 0 to 10, where zero means “far to the left” and 10 means “far to the right”? [CHECK ONE]

0 Center 10
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

Question Title

* 37. Your age

Question Title

* 38. Please indicate your total household income before taxes in 2018. [CHECK ONE]

Question Title

* 39. Which one of the following best describes your situation. [CHECK ONE]